Why Live–Now?
“Now is the first moment to live!”
– Karen Robert
The idea of what I believe is simple – it is about the philosophy of living now. Living in the
moment. Appreciating the joyous moments that happen in each day. It is about realizing your
true potential by appreciating what you are capable of having when you truly believe in
your own abilities. A lot of people lack self esteem, and thus fear the possibilities of
making a difference in their own lives.
Living in the moment doesn't mean that you shouldn't plan for your life – but so much of
what is being planned can be part of the journey to the eventual destination (realization
of one's goals) – not just planning for the destination – enjoying the journey along the
way. You never know when you might run into something along the journey that makes you
reassess where you truly want to be – thus giving yourself a chance to do a course
correction and try a different path. Either way – it is an appreciation of what you are
gaining by living in the moment.
Someone once said that many people are so concerned with adding days to their life that
they forget to add life to their days. Thus, now is truly the first moment to live!
Thought For The Day
“Of all the many joyful obligations of our existence, the garden here has been the most sustaining just in part because it is the most rhythmic, through winter, spring, summer, and fall. It actually has taught us to love every day of our life. One cannot ask more of love for a garden than that.”
– Joe Eck and Wayne Winterrowd
In 2022 I joined Goodreads to share reviews of books I have read. I am not a professional reviewer.
I do it for the joy and pleasure of reading and sharing in the experience of what the book meant to me.
I don’t get paid for my time or my review. I also don’t provide spoilers.
I want to share enough about the reading experience that the reader can decide if they would be interested in the book.
I look forward in having you follow or friend me on Goodreads
Inspirational and Fun Rocks
Did you find one of my Inspirational or Fun Rocks?
Either take it home and enjoy it, leave it where it is for someone else to find, or place
it somewhere else to be found again.
Please feel free to leave me a message
Morro Bay Library Book Discussion Group
After 12 years as the Group Facilitator I was happy to pass the baton to an amazing group of leaders.
for a complete list of the books we have read and discussed between April 26, 2006 and May 16, 2018.
Little Free Library Shed
I am excited to be a part of the
Little Free Library
family in which available for you are books that should appeal to all the readers (and soon to be readers)
– fiction, non-fiction, mysteries, childrens and teens! This Library belongs to everyone! Anyone may use it
– neighbors, friends, and passersby. The books are always FREE. You can: take and read, share with others,
return, or leave your own books as donations for others to read! This is our way to build community through
the sharing of books!
Contact me
for location.
Begin by Celebrating You - Simple Exercise - Writing an “I Am” Poem
Directions for Writing an “I Am” Poem
PURPOSE: To learn what's important to you.
DIRECTIONS: You, too, can write an “I Am” Poem. How? Begin by
describing two things about yourself. Special things that others might
not know about you. Avoid the obvious and the ordinary, such as “I am a 60
year old man with brown hair and hazel eyes.” Think of things about
yourself that are distinctive.
“I am a woman who bruises easily and believes in astrology – when the
stars are right.” That's better because it give a sense of the
speaker and how she is unique. Don't be afraid to be different.
Once you have the opening line you are ready to take off. Here is a
line-by-line guide you can follow. It may seem strange at first to
write a poem this way, but give it a try. You may surprise
I Am
I am (two characteristics about yourself)
I wonder (something you are actually curious about)
I hear (an imaginary sound)
I see (an imaginary sight)
I want (an actual desire)
I am (the first line repeated)
I pretend (something that you actually pretend to do)
I feel (a feeling about something)
I touch (an imaginary touch)
I worry (something you actually worry about)
I cry (something that makes you sad)
I am (the first line repeated)
I understand (something you know is true)
I say (something you believe in)
I dream (something you actually dream about)
I try (something you make an effort toward)
I hope (something you actually hope for)
I am (the first line repeated)
Read your poem. What do you think? What have you learned about yourself through this process? Appreciate you. Enjoy the moment.
Living Now is an appreciation of the present moment. It is an opportunity to recognize one's true potential.
– Karen Robert
No matter what, it all begins with YOU.